Hello again from Reno!
The Countdown is on! As I mentioned previously, we have decided on a scheduled repeat c-section but if I happen to go into labor before December 8th on my own, then we will go ahead with a VBAC delivery...Although, it doesn't really look like the deck is stacked in my favor, at my most recent office visit, my doctor checked me and at 38 weeks and a couple of days, I wasn't even a full centimeter dilated and I'm not even a little bit effaced...Little miss has dropped quite a bit, in fact she has dropped so much that I have a tendency to feel like I'm walking with a bowling ball between my knees...that being said, she simply has not dropped enough to cause the kind of pressure it would take to make me dilate...DANG!
I'm not giving up hope all together on the VBAC front...according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, even women who have had as many as two Cesarean sections should be afforded the chance to at least ATTEMPT a VBAC...
With the birth of our little girl just a couple of days away, I can't help but feel that I am not even a little bit prepared for her arrival! I was talking to my dad and he had some good insight, maybe the reason I felt so prepared when Boo was born was that I didn't have a 2 and a half year old to occupy so much of my attention...and I hadn't just moved, and so on and so forth...Also, I don't have an entire room set up for her, since I know I can't get around very quickly after a c-section, she will be sleeping in our room for a while, in a bassinet, and then once she is sleeping through the night, she will be moved into the same room as her brother...It's kind of crazy to think that Boo is going to be a big brother!!
After eight years of being married and not decorating AT ALL for Christmas, my very favorite holiday of the entire year, I finally decided that we needed something to bring out the Christmas spirit, especially with what is essentially a Christmas baby on her way! So I bought a very small (3 feet tall) artificial tree, even though I pretty much have my pick of places to go to get a real tree, neither Jason nor I really want to take care of a real tree, not this year anyway...I also used some of my birthday money to buy a fresh-cut evergreen wreath and I put that on our front door, it smells so good! I must have looked like a crazy person at Costco practically climbing into the bin and smelling for the best smelling wreath! We even have some bells on the doorknob on our front door, I remember having a decoration with bells on it on our front door when I was growing up, and I needed something with bells! I haven't done any baking just yet this year, maybe as we get closer to Christmas!
I'm excited to see what the new year has in store for us as our family grows and we learn to be a family of four instead of just three! My hope is that I can be a good mother to both of my children, I worry that all of my attention will go to the new baby and Boo will just get left out in the cold! I'm pretty sure that is an irrational fear since Boo has his ways of getting attention from me!
I think that is all for now, I will be sure to post in a few days after Little Miss makes her official arrival! I hope everyone is well!
TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!