Thursday, June 28, 2012

A shorter chapter than we thought...

Hello again from Reno! First things first...Running! I have now completed the two races that I had been training for! Ran in Odyssey, that was a lot of fun, I met some really cool people who are crazy in some of the same ways that I am crazy! (we all like to run distance, in case you were wondering!)...The conditions were certainly less than ideal, 90 degrees the last day during the last legs of the race for at least the last half (including myself) of the runners on my team! And I just finished running in the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle Half Marathon! I got to run that with my dad, it was an awesome time! The hills on the Seattle course were pretty killer, but otherwise, it was a really good time. Now, my dad and I are planning to run another race together! Although, I don't know how "together" it will be since we supposedly ran Seattle together, and I lost him somewhere between miles one and two and didn't see him again until I saw him waiting at the finish line for me! Now onto news...For those of you who are my friends on FB, or are family members, or best friends who, for some crazy reason, won't get on FB, (KIMBERLY!!), you already know that we recently closed on and moved into a nice townhouse, with a gorgeous yard that is fully fenced that the kids can play in...well, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are now moving to Ohio in the coming weeks. Long story short, Jason got in the way of a new project manager at work who was looking for his first kill and Jason got in the way....So, he applied to all two of the jobs that would have kept him here in Reno, one with a gaming company that would have had him travelling about 50% of the time...that just won't work since we have no family here and I am unwilling to do this parenting thing completely alone! So he started looking and applying to jobs in the Columbus, OH area...he's currently there doing interviews, and he's already got 3 offers on the table with I'm sure a few more to come, so the official decision of which job will be made by Jason on Friday. So, that's what I meant by thinking we were done with change for a while and then life came and said, "oh, hey, about the change being done, yeah, just kidding!" I have a meeting with a sales agent on Friday, I would love to use the realtor who helped us find this perfect house, but she only represents buyers...So, we're going to go ahead and sell our house that we just closed on and move back east so Jason can work and I can be near family! I think that's all for now! We'll talk again soon! TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!